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7 Best Bookkeeping Application Recommendations in Indonesia

7 Best Bookkeeping Application Recommendations in Indonesia

In running a business, of course, we need financial recording tools for our business. Because this supporting tool helps us to make company financial reports.

Best Bookkeeping Application

Recording of store sales can be done manually, for example by using a ledger or to make it easier to use a simple bookkeeping application.

Currently, many businesses have started using a business financial record application to manage income and expenses for their business.

Before entering into what bookkeeping applications are, you must know what bookkeeping is.

Accounting bookkeeping is a process of recording that is carried out regularly to manage business finances and financial information which includes capital, liabilities, profits, assets, and other costs.

Not only that, other financial information, such as the total cost of acquisition and delivery of goods and services, will later compile financial reports, such as profit and loss statements for a certain period.

There are 7 recommendations for the best free and paid simple financial recording applications that you should know about.

Android and iOS Bookkeeping App

There are 3 Android business financial record applications that you can try.

SME Accounting & Digital Payments – BukuWarung

The first recommendation is BukuWarung. Currently, BukuWarung is not only an accounting application but also a payment application as well. This application is suitable for both personal and business use.

This application was created to provide solutions for business people in terms of easy, free, and safe financial recording. In addition, it also provides payment solutions ranging from sending money to PPOB.

The BukuWarung application also has advantages over other applications, starting from a simple interface, and small size so it doesn't take up storage space and can also be used offline without an internet connection.

If you want to use the BukuWarung Application, you can download it directly from the Play Store. Come on, download BukuWarung immediately and feel the benefits.

Financial Accounting

Next is the financial accounting application, you can get this application on Android and iOS for free.

Features that you can use such as financial records in the form of bookkeeping.

Therefore, in this application, you can find a selection of journals, ledgers, balance sheets, profit and loss, and so on.

Business Friends

A business friend's android application might be able to help you in doing financial reports on your business.

This application is suitable for those of you who have a small business and do not have knowledge of accounting.

Business friends can be used as a free online shop bookkeeping application that you can try.

Apart from being an online shop, this application is designed for small and medium businesses, production, and even resellers.

Business Bookkeeping Application Software

Other bookkeeping applications do not only exist on Android but there is online bookkeeping software, some even integrated with the marketplace.

So that with this bookkeeping application, it can make it easier for you to do your business bookkeeping reports, both offline and online sales.


The next accounting bookkeeping application is Quickbooks.

This application is capable of creating invoices and you can attach photos and even notes for invoices and transactions that function to create financial reports.

Starting from, sales reports, profit and loss reports, balance reports, purchase reports, and so on.


Wave is a bookkeeping software originating from the United States and has been used by more than hundreds of thousands of people.

This application has quite complete features such as sending invoices, financial records, and also making online receipts.

But, unfortunately, there is no support feature for stock and inventory.

Because this application is designed to be used in the United States and Canada, therefore this application may look strange if used in Indonesia because some features cannot be accessed.


Freshbooks is a cloud-based accounting application that is quite easy to use, especially for small businesses.

Just like other bookkeeping applications, it also serves invoices, reports, and time tracking.

Having features, one of which tracks your income automatically and reminders for payments.


Finally, there is a bookkeeping application from Jubelio. The advantage of the Jubelio Accounting software itself is that it can integrate your business marketplace with bookkeeping.

So, you don't need to bother inputting financial data manually because it's already automatic so it can minimize your time.

For its features, there are many, starting from recording costs, creating invoices, financial reports, and automatic journals, to tracking inventory.

In addition, the advantage that only exists in Jubelio is that your business bookkeeping is connected directly to the marketplace and physical store automatically because you can only access them from one dashboard.

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